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Welcome to Perfana,

Thank you for attending the webinar by Scott Moore & Daniel Moll on Perfana ADAPT: the Future of Continuous Performance Engineering.

We appreciate your interest in our CPE solution!

To see what Perfana is capable of, we offer you an exclusive 30-day free trial.

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Which of the following Load test frameworks do you use?
What is your SUT back-end tech stack?
What is your SUT front-end tech stack?
APM / Observability
Other platforms/middleware
Deployment/runtime environment

Sign up for a free trial

Welcome to Perfana,

Thank you for attending the webinar by Scott Moore & Daniel Moll on Perfana ADAPT: the Future of Continuous Performance Engineering.

We appreciate your interest in our CPE solution!

To see what Perfana is capable of, we offer you an exclusive 30-day free trial.

  • It's free.
  • No credit card is needed.
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