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TestCon Europe 2024

Join Peter Paul Bakker in his on-site session “The Power of Automated Resilience Tests”.

  • Vilnius, Lithuania & Online

  • October, 25

  • 09:10–09:55 (CEST)

In the session, you will set up a resilience test as part of your CI/CD pipelines using open-source components. The approach involves putting your app under load, having it interact with stubs for each of its dependent services, while gradually slowing these services, allowing them to fail, or even restart.

Recent events

Webinar Recording

In the webinar, you will learn:

  • What Continuous Performance Engineering (CPE) is (and isn’t)
  • What are the challenges companies are facing while implementing Continuous Performance Engineering practices?
  • How to get started quickly with Continuous Performance Engineering using Perfana ADAPT (Automated Deviation Analysis for Performance Testing).

Download the recap (pdf)

Site Reliability Engineering NL MeetUp

Next Steps in your SLO Journey

Dylan van Iersel delivered a presentation on “Conserving your Error Budget through Resilience Testing”

Download the slides SRE Meetup – Conserving your Error Budget through Resilience Testing

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